Back and forth transfer and coherent coupling in a cold Rydberg dipole gas

Phys Rev Lett. 2005 Dec 2;95(23):233002. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.233002. Epub 2005 Nov 29.


Coupling by the resonant dipole-dipole energy transfer between cold cesium Rydberg atoms is investigated using time-resolved narrow-band deexcitation spectroscopy. This technique combines the advantage of efficient Rydberg excitation with high-resolution spectroscopy at variable interaction times. Dipole-dipole interaction is observed spectroscopically as avoided level crossing. The coherent character of the process is linked to back and forth transfer in the np + np <--> ns + (n + 1)s reaction. Decoherence in the ensemble has two different origins: the atom motion induced by dipole-dipole interaction and the migration of the s-Rydberg excitation in the environment of p-Rydberg atoms.