A multi-sensor system is described based on fiber optic technology and a diode array spectrometer for near-simultaneous measurement of spectral photon fluence rates (PFR) in the range of 360 nm to 1020 nm with a resolution of 0.8 nm, within a mature Norway spruce ( Picea abies [L.] Karst.) - European beech ( Fagus sylvatica L.) stand. 126 space-integrating spherical sensors, deployed in a regular grid above and within the canopy and on the forest floor, are sequentially connected to the spectrometer by means of fiber optics. About 1 s per sensor is needed to collect spectral data, store them on hard disk and move the channel multiplexer to the next fiber optic position. Data thus obtained serve to determine vertical profiles of wavelength-dependent photon extinction, especially for spectral ratios and wavebands, characterization of phenological stages, analyses of time series, and meteorological influences such as solar altitude and cloud cover. First measurements during leaf fall 2004 show a non-linear relation of the red/far-red ratio (R/FR) with relative photosynthetic PFR (PPFR (rel)). An analysis of relative PFR (PFR (rel)) quantifies the frequency of penumbral sunfleck occurrence and the fraction of incoming radiation on the forest floor. In-canopy measurements of daily means of PPFR (rel) and R/FR indicate that leaf unfolding and leaf fall can be described by a single sensor, independent of its vertical location within the canopy.