Paragonimus westermani causes inflammatory lung disease in humans. The parasite excretes a host of biologically active molecules, which are thought to be involved in pathophysiological and immunological events during infection. Analyses of the 2-DE protein profiles of the excretory-secretory products (ESP) of adult P. westermani revealed approximately 147 protein spots, at least 15 of which were identified as cysteine proteases (CPs), at pHs between 4.5 and 8.5, and molecular weights (MWs) between 27 and 35 kDa. An additional three CPs (designated as PwCP-3, -8 and -11) were newly recognized by TOF/TOF MS. Their molecular biological information, which shared a high level sequence homology, was elucidated. The majority of the CPs reacted strongly with sera from paragonimiasis patients. When we observed the chronological changes in the antibody responses of the respective CPs against canine sera collected serially at 1, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 14 wk after experimental infection, these molecules exhibited a multiplicity of distinct immune recognition patterns. Our results clearly showed that P. westermani adult ESP were principally composed of excretory-secretory CPs, and that these CPs may exert effects not only on host tissue degradation and nutrient uptake, but also on the immune-regulating cells via synergistic and independent interactions.