Using a total of 30 cadaveric hips, the accuracy of a fluoroscopy-based computer navigation system for cup placement in total hip arthroplasty (THA) was investigated and an error analysis was carried out. The accuracy of placing the acetabular component within a predefined safe zone using computer guidance was compared to the precision that could be achieved with a freehand approach. Accurate control measurements of the implanted cup were obtained using fiducial-based matching to a pre-operative CT scan with respect to the anterior pelvic plane. A significantly higher number of cups were placed in the safe zone with the help of the navigation system. The variability of cup placement could be reduced for cup abduction but not substantially for cup version. An error analysis of inaccurate landmark reconstruction revealed that the registration of the mid-pubic point with fluoroscopy was a potential source of error. Keeping this pitfall in mind, fluoroscopy-based navigation in THA is a useful tool for registration of the pelvic coordinate system, particularly those points that cannot be reached by direct pointer digitization with the patient in the lateral decubitus position.