Cutaneous erosions and ulcerations in the diaper area are common in infancy and usually result from local irritation. We describe an infant with chronic diarrhea and failure to thrive who developed extensive ulcerations in the inguinal folds and perineum that were initially thought to be exclusively caused by local irritation. A cutaneous examination found signs consistent with those of pyoderma gangrenosum, leading to a diagnosis of infantile Crohn disease. Cutaneous signs can lead to the diagnosis of an underlying systemic disease in infants with chronic diarrhea and rash. Prompt diagnosis is especially important in infantile Crohn disease, since many infants require surgical resection of affected bowel, and 60% die from disease complications. This article reports a rare instance of an infant who developed pyoderma gangrenosum due to Crohn disease and reviews cutaneous signs of systemic disease in infants presenting with chronic diarrhea and rash.