A 58-year-old male patient was operated for complaints of dysphagia, anemia and retrosternal discomfort due to a type II hiatal hernia. A complete hernia sac excision and posterior crural repair was performed laparoscopically with support of the da Vincitrade mark robotic system. An antireflux procedure was not performed because of the absence of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Nine months after surgery the patient presented with recurrent complaints of dysphagia and retrosternal pain. Barium esophagram series revealed a recurrent paraesophageal hernia which was confirmed on esophagogastroscopy. A robot-assisted re-laparoscopy was performed. Left to the still intact hiatoplasty of the original operation a tear in the diaphragm, through which part of the stomach covered with peritoneum had herniated, was encountered. The hernia sac was excised, the diaphragmatic defect closed and reinforced with an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene strip of 5 x 8 cm. After surgery the patient recovered quickly, oral intake was resumed on the first postoperative day and the hospital stay was 3 days. The use of prosthetic mesh to reinforce the hiatoplasty and the addition of an antireflux procedure after hiatal hernia repair are ongoing controversial aspects of hiatal hernia repair. Reports on laparoscopic redo surgery for recurrent diaphragmatic hernia are limited and will be addressed in this case report, in perspective of the aforementioned controversial components.