To define the role of stereotactic radiosurgery in the treatment of metastatic brain tumors we treated 24 consecutive patients (20 men, 4 women) with the 201-source 60Co gamma unit between May 1988 and March 1990. The primary tumors included malignant melanoma (n = 10), non-small cell lung carcinoma (n = 6), renal cell carcinoma (n = 3), colorectal carcinoma (n = 1), oropharyngeal carcinoma (n = 1), and adenocarcinoma of unknown origin (n = 3). All tumors were less than or equal to 3.0 cm in greatest diameter. Twenty patients received a planned combination of 30-40 Gy whole brain fractionated irradiation and a radiosurgical "boost" of 16-20 Gy to the tumor margins; one patient refused conventional fractionated irradiation. Three patients with recurrent, persistent, or new non-small cell lung carcinomas had radiosurgical treatment 12-20 months after receiving 30-42.5 Gy whole-brain external beam irradiation. Stereotactic computed tomographic imaging was used for target coordinate determination and imaging-integrated dose planning. All tumors were enclosed by the 50-90% isodose shell using one (n = 22), two (n = 1), or three (n = 1) irradiation isocenters. During this 23-month period (median follow-up of 7 months) no patient died from progression of a radiosurgically-treated brain metastasis. Ten patients died of systemic disease (n = 8) or remote central nervous system metastasis (n = 2) between 1 week and 10 months after radiosurgery. One patient had tumor progression and underwent craniotomy and tumor excision 5 months after radiosurgery. To date, median survival after radiosurgery has been 10 months; 1-year survival was 33.3%. Stereotactic radiosurgery eliminated the surgical and anesthetic risks associated with craniotomy and resection of solitary brain metastases. Radiosurgery also effectively controlled the growth of tumors considered "resistant" to conventional irradiation.