The crystal structure of the aluminosilicate MCM-68 was solved from synchrotron powder diffraction data by the program FOCUS. The unit cell framework contains Si100.6Al11.4O224. This material crystallizes in space group P42/mnm, where, after Rietveld refinement, a=18.286(1) A and c=20.208(2) A. A three-dimensional framework is found that contains continuous 12-ring channels and two orthogonal, intersecting, undulating 10-ring channels. Rietveld refinement of the model coordinates optimizes the framework geometry, to match the observed intensity profile by Rwp=0.1371, R(F2)=0.1411. It is not possible to determine the location of approximately 0.84 K+ cations remaining in the unit cell after the material is steamed and then dehydrated. The framework model also successfully predicts observed electron diffraction data in two projections, and the tetragonal projection can be determined independently from these data by direct methods. The calculated density of the framework structure is 1.66 g/cm3, and the T-site framework density is 16.6 T/1000 A3.