Myogenic vasoconstriction, an intrinsic response to elevated transmural pressure (TMP), requires the activation of sphingosine kinase (Sk1) and the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). We hypothesized that pressure-induced Sk1 signaling and ROS generation are functionally linked. Using a model of cannulated resistance arteries isolated from the hamster gracilis muscle, we monitored vessel diameter and smooth muscle cell (SMC) Ca2+i (Fura-2) or ROS production (dichlorodihydrofluorescein). Elevation of TMP stimulated the translocation of a GFP-tagged Sk1 fusion protein from the cytosol to the plasma membrane, indicative of enzymatic activation. Concurrently, elevation of TMP initiated a rapid and transient production of ROS, which was enhanced by expression of wild-type Sk1 (hSk(wt)) and inhibited by its dominant-negative mutant (hSk(G82D)). Exogenous sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) also stimulated ROS generation is isolated vessels. Chemical (1 micromol/L DPI), peptide (gp91ds-tat/gp91ds), and genetic (N17Rac) inhibition strategies indicated that NADPH oxidase was the source of the pressure-induced ROS. NADPH oxidase inhibition attenuated myogenic vasoconstriction and reduced the apparent Ca2+ sensitivity of the SMC contractile apparatus, without affecting Ca2+-independent, RhoA-mediated vasoconstriction in response to exogenous S1P. Our results indicate a mandatory role for Sk1/S1P in mediating pressure-induced, NADPH oxidase-derived ROS formation. In turn, ROS generation appears to increase Ca2+ sensitivity, necessary for full myogenic vasoconstriction.