A new tool for the measurement of TOC based on the heterogeneous photocatalysis activated by two different light sources has been planned. The instrument is constituted by a cell where the degradation occurs thanks to both the UV irradiation and the presence of a powered catalyst and by a measurement cell lodging CO2 gas permeable membrane electrode (detector), thermometer, inlet and outlet ways for the samples. One of the sources has a maximum emission at 254nm, while the other simulates the solar spectrum. A suspension (1 g/L) of titanium dioxide (Degussa P25) has been used to catalyse the process. A magnetic stirrer and a circulating pump avoid the deposition of the catalyst on the bottom of the reactor. The online measurement of produced CO2 was performed on 11 molecules (commercial names: Parachlorophenol, D-Glucose, Acid Blue 29, Atraton, Aspirin, Dimethoate, Aldicarb sulfone, Hydroquinone, (R)-Propranolol, Citric acid, Atrazine) to test the system efficiency. The experimental CO2 value was compared with the theoretical TOC value calculated by means of the structure's formula.