Purpose: To describe the use of psychotropic drugs in children aged 0-5 years, in the Aquitaine region of South-west France and identify associated socio-demographic, familial and medical factors.
Methods: Data used in this study come from the regional drug claims database of the National Health Insurance System of Aquitaine and from postal self-questionnaires sent to parents and prescribing physicians.
Results: In Aquitaine, psychotropic drugs were redeemed at least once in 2002 for 3.2% of young children. Hydroxyzine, niaprazide or diazepam were claimed at least once by 2.7% of children registered in the database. Prescribers were mostly general practitioners (76.7%) and pediatricians (20.1%). Psychotropic claims were more frequent in children having the highest number of medical consultations in 2002 (more than 7: odds ratio (OR) = 1.5 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.3-1.7]) or of drug deliveries (7-15 deliveries: OR = 1.8 [95%CI: 1.6-2.1]; more than 15 deliveries: OR = 3.2 [95%CI: 2.7-3.9]). Psychotropic claim frequency increased with age. No association of psychotropic use with parental psychotropic use, socio-professional category and familial situation was found.
Conclusions: Psychotropic delivery prevalence in Aquitaine in young children was below 5% in 2002. It notably concerned drugs of which the use is not devoid of toxicity because of anticholinergic properties.
Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.