Among the ABC transporters, the pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR) family is particular in that its members are found only in fungi and plants and have a reverse domain organization, i.e., the nucleotide binding domain precedes the transmembrane domain. In Arabidopsis and rice, for which the full genome has been sequenced, the family of plant ABC transporters contains 15 and 23 PDR genes, respectively, which can be tentatively organized using the sequence data into five subfamilies. Most of the plant PDR genes so far characterized belong to subfamily I and have been shown to be involved in responses to abiotic and biotic stress, in the latter case, probably by transporting antimicrobial secondary metabolites to the cell surface. Only a single subfamily II member has been characterized. Induction of its expression by iron deficiency suggests its involvement in iron deficiency stress, thus, enlightening a new physiological role for a PDR gene.