Management of recurrent hepatitis C in liver transplant recipients

Infect Dis Clin North Am. 2006 Mar;20(1):155-74. doi: 10.1016/j.idc.2006.01.011.


Recurrent HCV infection is universal in liver transplant recipients who are viremic pretransplant. The rate of histologic disease progression after transplantation is more rapid, and the risk of cirrhosis by 5 to 10 years is about 30%. Several donor, recipient, and viral factors have been associated with worse post-transplant outcomes in recipients with recurrent hepatitis C. Whether or not HCV-infected recipients of live donor grafts have worse out-comes compared with deceased donor graft recipients is controversial. To maximize the long-term survival of recipients with HCV infection, eradication of infection is the ultimate goal. Treatment of recurrent HCV after liver transplantation can be undertaken at several different time points: (1) prophylactically, at the time of transplantation; (2) pre-emptively, in the early post-transplant period; and (3) after established recurrent histologic disease is present. Prophylactic therapy for HCV infection has no established role at present, but studies are ongoing. Preemptive therapy using IFN and RBV has resulted in variable SVR rates (9%-43%) and is generally poorly tolerated, especially if the patient has advanced liver disease pretransplantation. Treatment of established recurrent HCV disease with combination PEGIFN and RBV is associated with a SVR in about 30% to 35% of patients overall but is limited by high rates of dose reduction or drug discontinuation. In conclusion, successful HCV eradication in the post-transplant setting is difficult with current treatment options, but it is possible. Determination of the optimal doses of antiviral drugs in transplant patients and improvements in drug tolerability may be important first steps in achieving enhanced response rates. There is a need for new drugs in this population that have greater efficacy and a better safety profile.