We present a family of North European extraction referred for a refractory non iron depleted microcytic anemia. The proband, a 36 year-old male, presented with chronic borderline anemia and microcytic hypochromic parameters. No abnormal hemoglobin (Hb) fractions were observed on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or on alkaline electrophoresis. Gap-polymerase chain reaction (gap-PCR) excluded the seven common alpha-thalassemia (thal) deletion defects. However, the beta/alpha-globin chain synthesis ratio measured in vitro was unbalanced, indicating a reduced expression of the alpha-globin genes. Direct sequencing of the alpha-globin genes revealed heterozygosity for a T --> A transversion at the IVS-II-2 position of the alpha2 gene. This is the first IVS-II splice donor site mutation described on the alpha2-globin gene.