We describe the clinical course, as well as cytogenetic and molecular findings, of a 3-year-old obese boy with psychomotor retardation who exhibited two rare conditions: succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency (SSADH deficiency, MIM 271980), a disorder of gamma-aminobutyric acid metabolism with a heterogeneous clinical spectrum, and partial Wilms' tumor, aniridia, genital abnormalities, and mental retardation (WAGR) syndrome, an association between Wilms' tumor, aniridia, genitourinary malformations, and mental retardation due to mutations involving the short arm of chromosome 11, particularly deletions at the chromosomal region 11p13 (MIM 194072). Diagnosis of SSADH deficiency in our patient was established by demonstration of absent enzyme activity in isolated leucocytes, and was associated with a novel missense mutation (c.587G>A; p.Gly196Asp) in the SSADH coding sequence. We further confirmed an incomplete WAGR syndrome in this boy [karyotype 46, XY, del (11) (p13p14.2)] with a normal WT1 (Wilms' tumor) gene and an absence of pathology in the genitourinary tract, but with obesity (WAGR syndrome with obesity, WAGRO syndrome). The patient also exhibited distinctive cerebral anomalies such as increased signals of the globi pallidi, internal hydrocephalus and cerebellar vermian atrophy. However, treatment options for this patient are limited, including supportive treatment, physiotherapy, special educational training, and vigabatrin. In summary, we report the first patient with the exceptional rare findings of both SSADH deficiency and partial WAGR/WAGRO syndrome.