Purpose: To demonstrate a less expensive approach for laparoscopic donor nephrectomy.
Materials and methods: Left donor nephrectomy was done transperitoneally in flank position. Renal vein and artery were exposed and prepared for nephrectomy. Nondisposable trocars and instruments were used. The adrenal vein was clipped and its arteries were bipolar coagulated. Both renal artery and vein were clip-ligated using three medium large nonautomatic metallic clips and divided, instead of using rather expensive vascular endostapler. Kidney was hand-extracted from suprapubic incision (no Endobag was used).
Results: Donor nephrectomy was performed in 341 donors. Mean warm ischemia time was 8.17 minutes. Mean operative time was 260.3 minutes. Conversion and reoperation was required in 2.1% and 3.8% of donors, respectively. Ureteral complications were observed in 2.1% of recipients. No vascular accident occurred from pedicular vessels. One-year graft survival in recipients was 92.6%. By this approach, at least $600 was saved in each nephrectomy.
Conclusion: Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy can be performed with a less expensive setup without adverse effects on graft outcome. Vascular control using nonautomatic clips instead of more costly vascular endostapler and also hand extraction of the kidney is safe, practical, and economical.