In the brains of male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), the nuclei that direct song learning and production are larger than the corresponding regions in females, who do not sing. The dimorphism in Area X of the medial striatum (MSt), an area important for song learning, is even more dramatic in that it is identifiable in males but not females by Nissl stain. In the present study, conspecific song, but not other auditory stimuli, induced expression of the immediate early gene ZENK in the MSt surrounding but not within Area X in juvenile males (30 and 45 days post-hatch). ZENK immunoreactivity following conspecific songs was homogeneous throughout the MSt of females at the same ages. Little to no FOS immunoreactivity was observed in Area X or the rest of the MSt, and levels were not influenced by the type of auditory stimulus presented. Thus, the clear morphological difference in the lateral MSt (Area X) of males and females is mirrored by a specific functional one, and the data suggest a role for ZENK expression in the MSt outside of Area X in responding to relevant song stimuli.