Isonicotinic acid hydrazide (Isoniazid, INH) is one of the major drugs worldwide used in the chemotherapy of tuberculosis. Many investigators have emphasized that INH activation is associated with mycobacterial catalase-peroxidase (katG). However, INH activation mechanism is not completely understood. In this study, katG of M. bovis BCG was separated and purified into two katGs, katG I (named as relatively higher molecular weight than katG II) and katG II, indicating that there is some difference in protein structure between two katGs. The molecular weight of the enzymes of katG I and katG II was estimated to be approximately 150,000 Da by gel filtration, and its subunit was 75,000 Da as determined by SDS-PAGE, indicating that purified enzyme was composed of two identical subunits. The specific activity of the purified enzyme katG I was 991.1 (units/mg). The enzymes were then investigated in INH activation by using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The analysis of GC-MS showed that the katG I from M. bovis BCG directly converted INH (Mr, 137) to isonicotinamide (Mr, 122), not to isonicotinic acid (Mr, 123), in the presence or absence of H2O2. Therefore, this is the first report that katG I, one of two katGs with almost same molecular weight existed in M. bovis BCG, converts INH to isonicotinamide and this study may give us important new light on the activation mechanism of INH by KatG between M. bovis BCG and M. tuberculosis.