Growth is defined as the progressive increase in size and is listed as one of the eight main characteristics of life. In human gestation the most rapid growth phase is from 16 to 32 weeks when first there is both cell number and size increase and then from 32 weeks onwards there is continued size increase (Pollack and Divon, 1992). The mechanism of growth in utero is of fundamental interest to clinicians and scientists because of its implications for neonatal health. Growth is multifactorial in origin with both genetics and environment contributing equally large parts. Despite this complexity analysis of the candidate genes involved is possible using simple tissue biopsies at the relevant stages of development. Of particular interest in understanding fetal growth is the analysis of a group of genes that show a parent-of-origin effect known as genomic imprinting. Imprinted genes are not only found in eutherian (placental) and metatherian (marsupial) mammals but surprisingly also in plants. Nevertheless, their evolution in mammals appears to be linked primarily to placentation. It is thought to result from a potential conflict between the parents in terms of the drive to successfully propagate their own separate genes and the mother's added drive for her survival through the pregnancy to reproduce again. This means that the mother wants to restrict fetal growth and the father to enhance it.
2006 S. Karger AG, Basel.