In the effected study we investigated the feeding quality in Baile-Herculane, during the period 2003-2004. The study was realised in two samples consisted in 659 preschool children (55% girls and 45% boys) and 359 children (65% girls and 35% boys) respectively, homogenous and statistical representative. The method consisted in feeding investigation using based on food lists consulting, effected 2 times in a year, in the winter season (November) and in the spring season (April). The inquiry period was 10 days consequently, in each season. We had established the nutritive value of feeding portions in two months (November and April), counted the average of the nutritive ration for the both investigated periods and compared them with nutritional necessity established for the same age group. We investigated the menu structure and diversity. In the first period of feeding investigation (November 2000) we established a decreased intake of foods which determine a small intake of calories, proteins, minerals and vitamins under the nutritional necessities. In April the nutritive value of the consumed food was less than in November. The decreased consumption of milk, cheese, eggs, vegetables and fruits determined a less intake of calories, fats, minerals and vitamins than nutritional necessities. The increased intake of bread, cereals and meat caused increased values of carbohydrates, vitamin B1 and iron. The menu was divided in two meals and a snack (breakfast - 15%, snack - 15%, lunch 50%). The menu variation and courses' succession were in line with the hygienic-sanitation rules.