The present study described an open source application, ResourceLog, that allows website administrators to record and analyze the usage of online resources. The application includes four components: logging, data mining, administrative interface, and back-end database. The logging component is embedded in the host website. It extracts and streamlines information about the Web visitors, the scripts, and dynamic parameters from each page request. The data mining component runs as a set of scheduled tasks that identify visitors of interest, such as those who have heavily used the resources. The identified visitors will be automatically subjected to a voluntary user survey. The usage of the website content can be monitored through the administrative interface and subjected to statistical analyses. As a pilot project, ResourceLog has been implemented in SenseLab, a Web-based neuroscience database system. ResourceLog provides a robust and useful tool to aid system evaluation of a resource-driven Web application, with a focus on determining the effectiveness of data sharing in the field and with the general public.