A polyphasic taxonomic study was carried out to determine the taxonomic position of a newly isolated denitrifying bacterium, designated Slu-05T, which had been isolated from sludge from the main aerobic treatment tanks of a municipal sewage treatment plant. Phylogenetic analysis based on comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing indicated that strain Slu-05T was closely related to Azonexus fungiphilus LMG 19178T (96.4 % sequence similarity), the sole species in the genus Azonexus. Strain Slu-05T comprised Gram-negative, motile, non-spore-forming and slightly curved rods. The predominant respiratory lipoquinone was Q-8. The major fatty acids were C16:1omega7c, C16:0, C18:1 isomers and C10:0 3-OH. The G+C content of the genomic DNA was 65.6 mol%. The results of DNA-DNA hybridization (15.6 %) together with phenotypic determination showed that strain Slu-5T could be distinguished from A. fungiphilus. Moreover, some phenotypic properties concerning enzyme activity, the substrates utilized as carbon sources and growth conditions distinguish strain Slu-5T from A. fungiphilus. On the basis of the results obtained in this study, Slu-05T (=DSM 17719T=KCTC 12530T=CCBAU 10199T) is the type strain of a novel species of Azonexus, for which the name Azonexus caeni sp. nov. is proposed.