Goals: Assess acceptance and attitudes regarding telemanagement (HAT) in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Background: Noncompliance is a barrier to successful outcomes in patients with IBD. Novel methods for monitoring and assessing compliance are needed.
Study: HAT consists of a laptop connected to a weight scale. HAT prompts patients to respond to questions about symptoms, medication side effects, and compliance. Ten consecutive adult patients with IBD were trained to use HAT. Attitudinal surveys and structured qualitative interviews were performed at the end of the session.
Results: Twenty percent of patients had never used a computer at home. All patients reported that use of the computer and self-testing was not complicated. All patients reported that the symptom diary and questions on side effects were easy to answer. All patients reported that self-testing took little time. Eighty percent said that testing would not interfere with usual activities, that they could comply with testing 3 times/wk, and that they would agree to use the system in the future.
Conclusions: Improved methods of monitoring are needed for patients with IBD. Patients with IBD can be easily trained to use HAT, and patient acceptance is high. Further studies are needed to determine the clinical impact of HAT in IBD.