Statutory notification of cancer in New Zealand provided an opportunity to investigate risk factors for prostate cancer in a large national population-based case-control study. We analyzed data obtained from telephone interviews with 923 cases and 1,224 controls. For inclusion in the study, all subjects had to have been married at some time. We found an increased risk of prostate cancer among those with a history of prostate cancer in first degree relatives (RR 2.6; 95% CI, 1.9-3.7) and an increased risk of prostate cancer with length of marriage among men married only once and still married at interview. For a consecutive subgroup of 550 cases and 819 controls, data on height and weight at age 20 and at 5 years before interview were collected. Men less than or equal to 1.7 m in height at age 20 years had a lower risk of prostate cancer than men taller at that age. There was no association between weight or body mass index and risk of prostate cancer.
Copyright 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.