Background: Sirolimus-induced pneumonitis usually requires the complete cessation of sirolimus. Herein we have reported five cases of recovery from sirolimus pneumonitis after conversion from sirolimus to everolimus.
Patients: All five cases were comparable with regard to their clinical conditions. The ages were between 46 and 64 years. They had received kidney transplants 3 to 18 years earlier. In four cases, the reason for sirolimus therapy was toxicity due to calcineurin inhibitors on a transplant biopsy; three of the patients also displayed malignant tumors: renal cell carcinoma, spinocellular carcinoma, or melanoma. Their serum creatinine levels were elevated between 150 and 350 micromol/L. In all five cases, bronchoscopy disclosed lymphocytic pneumonitis and bronchiolitis obliterans. The immunosuppressive co-medications were prednisolone in three, azathioprine in one, and mycophenolate mofetil in four cases. The previous sirolimus dose was 1 to 4 mg/day, with sirolimus trough levels between 5 and 12 ng/mL. The patients were switched to everolimus at doses between 1 x 0.25 and 2 x 0.75 mg/day to achieve trough concentrations between 3 and 8 ng/mL. Pulmonary symptoms and radiological findings resolved completely within 1 to 4 weeks.
Conclusion: Everolimus is more hydrophilic by virtue of differing from sirolimus by one hydroxyl group. Sirolimus-induced pneumonitis improved after conversion to everolimus.