Datura innoxia cells from suspension cultures were selected for their ability to grow and divide rapidly in normally lethal concentrations of cadmium. Cells resistant to 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 160, 200, and 250 micromolar cadmium chloride were isolated and utilized to initiate cell suspension cultures resistant to this toxic metal ion. Variant cell lines retained their ability to grow in cadmium after being grown in its absence for more than 400 generations. Resistance to cadmium was correlated with the synthesis of low molecular weight, cysteine-rich, cadium-binding proteins. Synthesis of these proteins was induced rapidly in cadmium-resistant cells in response to a challenge of cadmium. Induction was detectable within one hour after exposure of the cells to the metal ion. Accumulation of protein bound cadmium reached a maximum eight to twelve hours following exposure. Metal-binding proteins were not detectable in the cadmium sensitive D. innoxia cells from which resistant cells were derived.