In developing organs, parathyroid hormone (PTH)/parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) receptor (PPR) signaling inhibits proliferation and differentiation of mesenchyme-derived cell types resulting in control of morphogenic events. Previous studies using PPR agonists and antagonists as well as transgenic overexpression of the PPR ligand PTHrP have suggested that this ligand receptor combination might regulate the anagen to catagen transition of the hair cycle. To further understand the precise role of PTHrP and the PPR in the hair cycle, we have evaluated hair growth in the traditional K14-PTHrP (KrP) and an inducible bitransgenic PTHrP mice. High levels of PTHrP trangene expression limited to the adult hair cycle resulted in the production of shorter hair shafts. Morphometric analysis indicated that reduced proliferation in the matrix preceded the appearance of thinner hair follicles and shafts during late anagen. CD31 staining revealed that the late anagen hair follicles of the KrP mice were surrounded by reduced numbers of smaller diameter capillaries as compared to controls. Moreover, the fetal skins of the PTHrP and PPR knockouts (KOs) had reciprocal increases in the length, diameter, and density of capillaries. Finally, crossing the KrP transgene onto a thrombospondin-1 KO background reversed the vascular changes as well as the delayed catagen exhibited by these mice. Taken together, these findings suggest that PTHrP's influence on the hair cycle is mediated in part by its effects on angiogenesis.