Ocular flutter (OF) refers to occasional bursts of involuntary horizontal oscillation around the point of fixation, characterised by rapid horizontal repetitive oscillation without intersaccadic interval in electro-ocular recording. In spite of numerous reports of OF, there has been no previous report describing OF developed by simply looking at moving objects. We report a patient with olivopontocerebellar atrophy (OPCA), with OF induced only by optokinetic stimulation (OKS). A 65-year-old man, with OPCA complained of dizziness and oscillopsia occurring only with a specific type of eye movement. The electro-oculographic recording showed a decreased gain of pursuit, catch-up saccade, and decreased velocity of saccade, and OF was induced only by OKS of more than 40 degrees /second. In OPCA, partial loss of omnipause neurons and/or abnormal firing of burst neurons, especially those involved in optokinetic movement, could be the cause of OF occurring only with OKS.