Context: Ansa pancreatica is a type of pancreatic ductal variation. The exact clinical significance of this ductal variation is not clear.
Case report: We report the case of a 21-year-old male with acute idiopathic severe pancreatitis and extensive parenchymal necrosis who later developed a large pancreatic abscess. Subsequently, transpapillary drainage of the pancreatic abscess was attempted and on endoscopic retrograde pancreatography, disruption in the mid-body of the pancreas and the ansa pancreatica type of ductal anatomy was noted. A 7 Fr nasopancreatic catheter was placed across the disruption. However, due to the development of a new abscess, surgical drainage was performed. The patient has since been asymptomatic over a one-year follow up period.
Conclusion: A pancreatic ductal variation such as ansa pancreatica may be a finding in severe acute pancreatitis; it is not clear if the presence of these two conditions is co-incidental or if ansa pancreatica causes acute pancreatitis. Further studies are needed to clarify these points.