A 35-year-old woman has suffered from faintness with cardiovascular failure at the end of a sclerotherapy session for varix management. The injected product was Aeloxisclerol (DCI lauromacrogal 400). The death came up very quickly. The autopsy didn't reveal any traumatic lesion. The anaphylactic choc could be ruled out. Macroscopically, the heart showed a right ventricular dilatation. The toxicological analysis didn't reveal any medicinal substances. Histology showed the presence of lipid degeneration of all the right-ventricle wall The discussion is carried out on the role played by this previous health-state on the onset of death, and also on the incidence of sclerotherapy using this product. and the onset of death. We are carrying out this discussion by taking in mind the nature of the product injected and the information available in the literature concerning the lipid degeneration of cardiac muscle. Quickly after this case, the AFSSAPS (The French Agency for Sanitary Security of Health Products) has emitted an written alert which correlates with the requirements of principles of precaution although it is not founded on the totality of investigation results done for this medicolegal case.