Intramedullary fixation of fibular fractures has been reported in the literature. Its advantages include ease of fixation as well as minimal soft tissue disruption. Various implants have been described, including the Inyo nail and Rush rods. Several studies have examined their use in older people with osteoporotic bone as well as in instances where soft tissue preservation is of concern. To our knowledge, no technique has been described using flexible titanium elastic nails (TENS) (Synthes; Paoli, PA). We illustrate such a technique as well as a case report that demonstrates our experience. Insertion of flexible titanium elastic nails requires attention to detail with preservation of the peroneal tendons and their sheath. While such a construct cannot control rotation, it can preserve length as well as prevent varus and valgus displacement. Future endeavors could focus on the biomechanical principles of intramedullary fibular fixation with TENS nails.