Adaptive modification of vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) direction was characterized in humans by recording vertical and horizontal VOR eye movements during horizontal rotations in darkness at frequencies of 0.05 to 1 Hz before and after exposure to a VOR direction adaptation procedure. This procedure paired yaw horizontal vestibular rotation at 0.25 Hz with synchronous pitch vertical optokinetic motion. Saccades were removed from eye position records and VOR gain and phase were recorded. With an onset time constant of 36 min, the VOR measured during horizontal rotation in complete darkness acquired a vertical component in phase with the optokinetic stimulus presented during adaptation. The amplitude of this newly acquired vertical VOR component was maximal during rotation at the frequency of adaptation; at other frequencies, the amplitude was lower, but still significant. Unlike VOR direction adaptation in cats, the phase of the adaptive VOR component in humans did not show significant leads or lags at test frequencies below or above the adaptation frequency. These data suggest that, like the cat, the human VOR can be directionally adapted, and the pathways involving the adaptive component of the VOR are frequency specific.