Objective: To investigate the performance of static and dynamic adsorption and desorption of the three macroporous resins of AB-8, D-101 and H-103.
Method: Compare the adsorption and desorption of the three macroporous resins for glycyrrhizic acid by determining the static adsorption, static desorption, dynamic adsorption and dynamic desorption through detecting the glycyrrhizic acid content by HPLC method.
Result: The saturation of AB-8 is 0.75 g (crude drug)/mL (macroporous resins), the best elution reagent is 50% EtoH and it's eluation ration is 68.81% . The saturation of D-101 is 0.75 g (crude drug)/mL (macroporous resins), the best elution reagent is 60%EtoH and it's eluation ration is 64.67%. The saturation of H-103 is 0.5 g (crude drug)/mL (macroporous resins), the best elution reagent is 50%E-toH and it's elution ration is 51.18%.
Conclusion: AB-8 and D-101 are the superior absorbents for glycyrrhizic acid.