Objective: The objective of the study was to reproduce severe forms of extremity amniotic bands, which result in amputation or severe lesions.
Study design: Right limbs of 5 60-day gestational age pregnant sheep were ligated with silk suture at the infracondylar level. Left limbs were used for paired comparison. The limbs obtained from term fetuses were analyzed morphologically, radiologically, and histologically.
Results: The ligated limbs showed an amputation or quasiamputation. Four extremities showed a necrotic pattern and 4 an edema pattern.
Conclusion: A model of severe extremity amniotic bands that reproduces the effect of the extremity amniotic bands in the human fetus was developed. Future applications of this new model could be an experimental study of in utero salvage of limbs affected with severe extremity amniotic bands in the ovine fetus.