In cardiac myocytes, initiation of excitation-contraction coupling is highly localized near the T-tubule network. Myocytes with a dense T-tubule network exhibit rapid and homogeneous sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) release throughout the cell. We examined whether progressive changes in T-tubule organization and Ca(2+) release synchrony occur in a murine model of congestive heart failure (CHF). Myocardial infarction (MI) was induced by ligation of the left coronary artery, and CHF was diagnosed by echocardiography (left atrial diameter >2.0 mm). CHF mice were killed at 1 or 3 weeks following MI (1-week CHF, 3-week CHF) and cardiomyocytes were isolated from viable regions of the septum, excluding the MI border zone. Septal myocytes from SHAM-operated mice served as controls. T-tubules were visualized by confocal microscopy in cells stained with di-8-ANEPPS. SHAM cells exhibited a regular striated T-tubule pattern. However, 1-week CHF cells showed slightly disorganized T-tubule structure, and more profound disorganization occurred in 3-week CHF with irregular gaps between adjacent T-tubules. Line-scan images of Ca(2+) transients (fluo-4 AM, 1 Hz) showed that regions of delayed Ca(2+) release occurred at these gaps. Three-week CHF cells exhibited an increased number of delayed release regions, and increased overall dyssynchrony of Ca(2+) release. A common pattern of Ca(2+) release in 3-week CHF was maintained between consecutive transients, and was not altered by forskolin application. Thus, progressive T-tubule disorganization during CHF promotes dyssynchrony of SR Ca(2+) release which may contribute to the slowing of SR Ca(2+) release in this condition.