Since inflammation is a common mechanism of many gastrointestinal diseases, reactive oxygen metabolites may play an important role in their pathophysiology. Therefore it is interesting to know, whether phytopharmaceuticals known to modulate gastrointestinal motor function reveal also antioxidative properties. We tested STW 5 (Iberogast), its constituent nine different plant extracts, and some isolated compounds which are present in STW 5 for characterizing their antioxidative and radical quenching activities. The test assays consisted in pure chemical and complex cellular systems in which different types of reactive species were produced. Quantification of the effects was based on chemiluminescence reactions. The results show that all extracts contribute to the effect of the complete remedy STW 5, in the chemical systems in a strongly additive manner, in the cellular systems in a supraadditive manner. The largest contributions resulted from the extracts from peppermint and melissa leaves. Comparison of effects from isolated phytochemical compounds from the extracts with that of the extracts itself shows that usually the extract is more effective than the monosubstance which indicates also the synergism within the whole plant extracts. This means that the plant extracts present in STW 5 provide strong radical quenching activities that could also be involved in the therapeutic gastrointestinal actions.