This study is aimed at comparison of patients with extranodal lymphomas based on pathohistological findings differences (MALT vs non-MALT) as well as regarding gastric and non-gastric localization, and determining the significance of clinical-laboratory parameters with respect to therapeutic response and length of survival. A total of 56 patients with extranodal non-Hodgkin's lymphomas of the gastrointestinal tract were evaluated over a 5-yr period. Regarding the localization of the disease, the stomach was most frequently affected, 39 patients (70%); followed by small and large intestines, 17 patients. As for the pathohistological findings, MALT lymphoma accounted for 70%, DLBCL 25%, while other subtypes accounted for 5%. Patients' distribution was analyzed according to CS based on both Ann Arbor and Lugano systems; however, the difference obtained between the groups was not statistically significant in both staging types of patients. Statistically significant difference in patients' distribution was not found with respect to IPI index, bone marrow infiltration, anemia, hypoalbuminemia, or histological subtype and localization. Difference in survival between patients according to the pathohistological type was not statistically significant also according to the type of the affected gastrointestinal tract organ. Statistical significance of difference according to survival probability was obtained based on age (survival is longer in patients over 55 yr of age); according to CS and according to Ann Arbor and Lugano classifications (the patients with lower CS live significantly longer); according to IPI index (the survival is significantly longer in patients with lower probability: IPI-0,1, and 2), as well as patients free of bone marrow infiltration whose survival is also significantly longer.