Experimental studies of the deuteron-induced activation cross-sections on natAg

Appl Radiat Isot. 2006 Sep;64(9):1013-9. doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2006.04.001. Epub 2006 May 24.


Excitation functions were measured for the (nat)Ag(d,x)(105,106m,110m)Ag, (nat)Ag(d,x)(107,109)Cd and (27)Al(d,x)(24)Na reactions by the stacked-foil activation technique and high-resolution gamma-spectroscopy over the energy range 0.44-40 MeV. The thick target integral yields were deduced using the measured cross-sections. No experimental data on the (nat)Ag+d process are available in the literature above 27 MeV. The nuclides (105)Ag, (106m)Ag and (109)Cd produced with deuteron induced activation of natural silver have suitable yields and decay characteristics important for thin layer activation (TLA) analysis. The cross-section for the production of (107)Cd and (109)Cd is significantly large. Therefore, the Ag+d process can be an efficient route for the production of isotope with a medium energy accelerator. The results of the model calculation using the TALYS code are not consistent with the present data. A large shift in the incident energy is found in TALYS calculations.