The following process conventionally has been followed to develop quantitative images of cerebral blood flow: (1) mean cerebral blood flow (mCBF) is calculated by the Patlak plot method; (2) a SPECT slice that includes the basal ganglia is selected; and (3) based on the value of mCBF calculated by the Patlak plot method, the SPECT slice is corrected by the Lassen method and developed into a SPECT image of quantitative regional cerebral blood flow. However, this process is complicated, and the values of rCBF have been reported to fluctuate because selection of the SPECT slice and the ROI setting are in the hands of the operator. We have developed new software that automates this analysis. This software enables automatic processing simply by inputting the value of mCBF in the normal hemisphere. Since there is no need for manual operations such as setting the ROI, reproducibility is improved as well. Regional cerebral blood flow as determined by this software is quite similar to that calculated by the conventional method, so the existing clinical evaluation does not need to be changed. This software is considered to be useful.