Tobacco smoking is the cause of 30% of deaths among men and 7% among women in Poland. Such data call for detailed analysis. Previous researche on frequency of smoking was focused on the analysis of all-Poland population. The following research was aimed at the description of tobacco smoke exposure in population of Wielkopolska in the late 1990s. Smoking habits in Wielkopolska is more prevalent in men than women and this prevalence is sustained in time. The smoking habit among men decreased during the last 5 years of the 20th century, however it is higher among women (1996: 47.5% men and 27.7% women, 2000: 41.9% men and 29.9% women). The positive fact is the raising percentage of both men and women who give up smoking. The results show that the level of education is a strong predictor of smoking among men: the higher education, the lower percentage of smokers. This relation does not seem to be that obvious in women. The place of living is another factor influencing the percentage of smoking people--the prevalence is lower in cities, especially among men. Presented results show that there are similar changes in smoking habits in Wielkopolska as observed nationwide. The difference concerns slightly lower percentage of tobacco users among men and higher among women in Wielkopolska than in nationwide population. Distribution of involvement of subsequent categories (i.e. gender, age, education and place of living) follow the pattern observed in general population. The knowledge about smoking habits in Wielkopolska forms the ground for actions within the frame of evidence based medicine, systematic assessment of frequency of smoking would allow taking up appropriate preventive actions such as youth education and therapeutic (treatment of smoking habit) actions.