R 82913, a tetrahydroimidazobenzodiazepinthione (TIBO) derivative with potent activity against human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) in vitro, was given to 22 patients with AIDS or AIDS-related complex in a dose-escalating pilot study. Doses of 10 to 300 mg administered daily by intravenous infusion were well tolerated for up to 50 weeks, with no haematological or biochemical evidence of toxicity. Mean OKT4 cell count rose slightly during the second month of treatment when higher steady-state plasma concentrations of the drug were achieved. Median p24 antigen concentration fell by 41% during the first month of therapy. When the rise in p24 antigen before therapy was compared to the fall during treatment, end-point analysis showed a significant difference (p less than 0.03). The combination of potent antiretroviral activity in vitro and the observed effect on HIV p24 antigen and absence of toxicity in vivo indicate that R 82913 and related TIBO derivatives merit further study in the treatment of retroviral infections.