In traditional Chinese medicine, multiple herbs are usually used in combination to generate the joint actions of a multiherb remedy. The recent development of LC-hyphenated techniques enables efficient and rapid profiling of the chemical constituent in extracts from multiherb remedies. Xiaochaihu-tang is a seven-herb remedy that has attracted a great deal of attention for reported ability to treat liver dysfunction. Dried tubers of Pinellia ternata (banxia in Chinese) is one of the ingredients, but its chemical contribution to Xiaochaihu-tang remains poorly understood. In the study presented here, LC-UV-MS, LC-MS-MS, and LC-NMR were used in a complementary manner to determine the nature and content of eight water-soluble constituents of banxia and their presence in various tea granules from Xiaochaihu-tang. Among the eight chemicals identified in banxia, cytidine, adenosine, tryptophan, uridine, and adenine are reported for the first time, while tyrosine, guanosine, and phenylalanine were previously described. These chemicals are also present in all of the samples of Xiaochaihu-tang granules, and the amounts of the chemicals ingested due to a daily dose of the multiherb remedies range from 0.008 to 6.3mg.