Voltage-gated calcium channels are multiprotein complexes that regulate calcium influx and are important contributors to cardiac excitability and contractility. The auxiliary beta-subunit (CaV beta) binds a conserved domain (the alpha-interaction domain (AID)) of the pore-forming CaV alpha1 subunit to modulate channel gating properties and promote cell surface trafficking. Recently, members of the RGK family of small GTPases (Rem, Rem2, Rad, Gem/Kir) have been identified as novel contributors to the regulation of L-type calcium channel activity. Here, we describe the Rem-association domain within CaV beta2a. The Rem interaction module is located in a approximately 130-residue region within the highly conserved guanylate kinase domain that also directs AID binding. Importantly, CaV beta mutants were identified that lost the ability to bind AID but retained their association with Rem, indicating that the AID and Rem association sites of CaV beta2a are structurally distinct. In vitro binding studies indicate that the affinity of Rem for CaV beta2a interaction is lower than that of AID for CaV beta2a. Furthermore, in vitro binding studies indicate that Rem association does not inhibit the interaction of CaV beta2a with AID. Instead, CaV beta can simultaneously associate with both Rem and CaV alpha1-AID. Previous studies had suggested that RGK proteins may regulate Ca2+ channel activity by blocking the association of CaV beta subunits with CaV alpha1 to inhibit plasma membrane trafficking. However, surface biotinylation studies in HIT-T15 cells indicate that Rem can acutely modulate channel function without decreasing the density of L-type channels at the plasma membrane. Together these data suggest that Rem-dependent Ca2+ channel modulation involves formation of a Rem x CaV beta x AID regulatory complex without the need to disrupt CaV alpha1 x CaV beta association or alter CaV alpha1 expression at the plasma membrane.