We report a 3-y-old male infant with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) caused by a de novo interstitial deletion of 15q11-q13. Additional features included a right cerebellar hemisphere hypoplasia. The extent of deletion was determined by FISH analysis using an SNRPN PW/AS probe that maps in the PWS/AS critical region (CR) and with specific 15q BACs. We unravelled an interstitial 15q11.2-q13.1 deletion spanning about 3 Mb.
Conclusion: To date only a few other PWS patients--including autopsy cases--with CNS structural anomalies have been described. Our case report adds knowledge to the issue of brain involvement in Prader-Willi syndrome. Further MRI studies of PWS patients will be helpful to clarify a correlation between PWS and brain abnormalities.