Soil fertilization is a common practice in modern agriculture, undertaken to prevent nutrient deficiency in crops. However, fertilization is costly and causes environmental pollution. The cultivation of plants that tolerate low nutrient supplies may circumvent this problem. Here, we report the generation of Arabidopsis thaliana plants that tolerate boron (B)-deficient conditions due to the overexpression of BOR1, an efflux B transporter that is required for efficient xylem loading of B. In several independently generated transgenic plants expressing BOR1 or BOR1-GFP under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S RNA promoter, root-to-shoot translocation of B was enhanced and shoot growth was greater under B-limiting conditions compared with wild-type plants. In addition, the transgenic plants showed increased translocation of B, especially to the shoot apex, and set seed normally under B-limiting conditions, under which wild-type plants failed to set seed. This study therefore reports plants that show improved seed yields compared with wild-type under nutrient-deficient conditions as a result of increased production of an essential mineral nutrient transporter.