For homeotic and segment-polarity genes in Drosophila, a switch in gene regulation has been described that distinguishes patterning and maintenance phases. Maintenance of segment and organ primordia involves secondary patterning and differentiation steps, as well as survival factors regulating proliferation and organ size. In a screen for embryonic lethal mutations in the flour beetle Tribolium castaneum, we have recovered two alleles of the knödel gene, which result in short, bag-like embryos. These embryos have severely reduced appendages and differentiate a cuticle that lacks most overt signs of segmentation. In addition, they lack bristles and display defects in the nervous system. Early patterning in knödel mutant embryos is normal up to the extended germ band stage, as indicated by the formation of regular even-skipped (Tc'eve) and wingless (Tc'wg) stripes. Afterwards, however, these patterns degenerate. Similarly, proximo-distal growth and patterning of limbs are nearly normal initially, but limb primordia shrink, and proximo-distal patterns degenerate, during subsequent stages. knödel could be a segment polarity gene required for segment border maintenance in both trunk and appendages. Alternatively, it may have a more general role in tissue or organ maintenance.