High molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunits are conserved seed storage proteins in wheat and related species. Here we describe a more detailed characterization of the HMW glutenin subunits from Aegilops searsii, which is diploid and contains the S(s) genome related to the S genome of Aegilops speltoides and the A, B and D genomes of hexaploid wheat. SDS-PAGE experiments revealed two subunits (one x and one y) for each of the nine Ae. searsii accessions analyzed, indicating that the HMW glutenin subunit gene locus of Ae. searsii is similar to the Glu-1 locus found in wheat in containing both x and y genes. The primary structure of the four molecularly cloned subunits (from two Ae. searsii accessions) was highly similar to that of the previously reported x and y subunits. However, in one accession (IG49077), the last 159 residues of the x subunit (1S(s)x49077), which contained the sequence element GHCPTSPQQ, were identical to those of the y subunit (1S(s)y49077) from the same accession. Consequently, 1S(s)x49077 contains an extra cysteine residue located at the C-terminal part of its repetitive domain, which is novel compared to the x-type subunits reported so far. Based on this and previous studies, the structure and expression of the Glu-1 locus in Ae. searsii is discussed. A hypothesis on the genetic mechanism generating the coding sequence for the novel 1S(s)x49077 subunit is presented.