Compressed mini-tablets systems are presented as a biphasic delivery system designed for zero-order sustained drug release. The outer layer that fills the void spaces between the mini-tablets was formulated to release the drug in a very short time (fast release), while the mini-tablets provided a prolonged release. Different composition (HPMC or EC) and number (10 or 21) of mini-tablets were used to obtain different drug release rates. The in vitro performance of these systems showed the desired biphasic behaviour: the drug contained in the fast releasing phase (powder enrobing the mini-tablets) dissolved within the first 2 min, whereas the drug contained in the mini-tablets was released at different rates, depending up on formulation. Based on the release kinetic parameters calculated, it can be concluded that mini-tablets containing HPMC were particularly suitable approaching to zero-order (constant) release over 8h time periods.