Health strategies based on primary health care have been expanding in Brazil. An instrument applied to users, the Primary Care Assessment Tool (the PCATool), which measures the extent of primary care, has been validated in the United States. We sought to adapt the PCATool to Brazil and analyze its validation and reliability through a cross-sectional validation study of the Child PCATool. Validation included: translation, back-translation, adaptation, debriefing, content and construct validate, internal consistency, and reliability analysis. The questionnaire was applied to 468 parents or guardians of children registered with 18 primary health services in Porto Alegre, representing the services' normal pediatric population. Using factor analysis, 8 domains were identified, with Cronbach's aranging from 0.74 to 0.88. Validation resulted in a 45-item scale, divided into 8 attributes (Access to First Contact, Continuity, Coordination, 3 attributes of Comprehensiveness, Community Orientation, and Family Orientation). These results showed that the PCATool-Brasil has adequate validity and reliability and could be used as a national instrument to evaluate primary health care after its application to other population settings in the country.