Fundamental excitations of the shared proton in the H3O2- and H5O2+ complexes

J Phys Chem A. 2005 Mar 3;109(8):1487-90. doi: 10.1021/jp044155v.


We exploit recent advances in argon predissociation spectroscopy to record the spectroscopic signature of the shared proton oscillations in the H3O2- system and compare the resulting spectrum with that of the H5O2+ ion taken under similar conditions. Very intense 1 <-- 0 transitions are observed below 1100 cm(-1) in both cases and are surprisingly sharp, with the 697 cm(-1) transition in H3O2- being among the lowest in energy of any shared proton system measured to date. The assignments of the three fundamental transitions associated with the three-dimensional confinement of the shared proton in H3O2- are carried out with full-dimensional (DMC) calculations to treat this strongly anharmonic vibrational problem.

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